Jun 7, 2018
This week Maria’s guest on the show is Tim Reid. Tim spent over 20 years working with some of the world's most creative organizations including global ad agencies and innovation consultancies. Before having his first sitcom, Car Share, starring superstar comedian, Peter Kay, commissioned by the BBC. As an innovation expert, Tim has helped many clients from beer brands to broadcasters, confectioners to condom makers, reimagine the future and reinvent their businesses. As a coach, Tim has enabled hundreds of teams across the world to reignite their own creative potential to have bigger, better ideas. From his unique position as both the successful innovation consultant and comedy writer, Tim has drawn together a practical guide to applying the trade secrets used by top creative professionals, comedians and writers.
Recorded on: 4th April 2018
Show Notes:
In this week’s show Tim Reid talks about where the idea for the BAFTA award-winning TV sitcom Car Share came from. How his career path changed when he realised that he wasn’t destined to be a rock star. Why it’s important to make the time and space for creativity, and what your “weekend brain” is! All this and much more…
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Significant quotes:
“Loosen your tie, take it off, sit down, relax and be prepared to break some rules.”
Next Week:
Join us next week when Maria’s guest will be Adventure Athlete, Mark Pollock